Everyone faces problems daily. Problems that have become a part of life. Jesus' miracle at Cana discloses simple steps to addressing our problems. A great framework for problem-solving emerges as five steps in the Miracle at Cana.
Step 1: Identifying the Problem
At the wedding in Cana, the problem was evident: the wine had run out. Identify the problem in your life.
Step 2: Understanding the Problem
Mary, Jesus' mother, understood the problem's impact on the wedding celebration and the couple's reputation. Understand how the problem impacts your life.
Step 3: Accepting the personal limitations
Mary acknowledged her limitations and didn't try to solve the problem herself. Instead, she entrusted it to Jesus. Jesus instructed the servers to fill the jar with water and Jesus changed the water into wine. Take some initiative to deal with the problem and allow God to help you.
Step 4: Assessing the Initiative
Jesus took the initiative, using His divine power to transform water into wine.
Step 5: Assessing the Outcome
The outcome was miraculous! The wine was not only plentiful but also of exceptional quality.
Fr. Raja MSFS
Always appreciate the way you make it simple, Father Raja.